Indian Woman: Mountain Man Rendezvous

While in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I got the pleasure of photographing a lady dressed up as an indian woman at the Mountain Man Rendezvous. She made all her own clothes and jewelry, which I thought was pretty sweet.

I used a reflector and speed light on various shots; but because I’m not very experienced with them, I thought most of my best pictures were taken without either. I had a low f-stop for all of these images so that there would be good bokeh, or background blur.

I’ve included some of my post-processing (i.e. work in Photoshop) in the captions of each photo.

Adjusted levels. Darkened background.

Adjusted levels. Darkened background. Increased saturation of her eyes, and colorized them.

Added adjustment layer black and white

Added adjustment layer black and white

Adjusted levels. Added blur around her to make the campers in the background seem less distinct.

Adjusted levels. Added blur around her to make the campers in the background seem less distinct.

Added oil paint filter around her to get the texture

Added oil paint filter around her to get the texture