Indian: Mountain Man Rendezvous

While at Mountain Man Rendezvous in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I found a guy dressed up as a legitimate indian. I liked his wig. He was completely bald underneath, but he had a wicked mohawk wig that matched him perfectly. He looked and dressed exactly as I would imagine indians dressing.

I had a low f-stop for most of these images so that there would be good background blur, and some were taken with a reflector or speed light. I’m not very well practiced at using them, so I thought many of my images that were taken without them were better than those taken while using them. That just means I need to practice more because you can get some really amazing shots with using them.

I’ve included some of my post-processing (i.e. work in Photoshop) in the captions of each photo. I really enjoyed playing around with overlaying images over each other and seeing what kinds of effects I could get. Let me know what you think.

Placed close up of clothing over indian picture using multiply.

Placed close up of clothing over indian picture using multiply.

Adjusted levels and brought some lighting down around him.

Adjusted levels and brought some lighting down around him.

Overlayed image of rug over indian using linear burn.

Overlayed image of rug over indian using linear burn.

Adjusted levels. Brought lighting in background down.

Adjusted levels. Brought lighting in background down.

Mountain Man: Mountain Man Rendezvous

While at Mountain Man Rendezvous in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I found a guy dressed up as a mountain man. He looked legitimate, like he stepped out of a time machine. He was very easy to give directions to for poses for the camera, and I thought his merchandise was cool because he made it all from scratch out of thick leather and leather string.

I had a low f-stop for most of these images so that there would be good background blur, and some were taken with a reflector or speed light. Some of my post-processing (i.e. work in Photoshop) are in the captions of each photo.

Overlayed indian image over the shotgun image, using multiply.

Overlayed indian image over the shotgun image, using multiply.

Added adjustment black and white, then masked out his eyes and colorized them, increasing the saturation.

Added adjustment black and white, then masked out his eyes and colorized them, increasing the saturation.

Overlayed close up of his hands needling leather over the further shot of him doing the same activity, masking parts out to get this effect.

Overlayed close up of his hands needling leather over the further shot of him doing the same activity, masking parts out to get this effect.

Adjusted levels

Adjusted levels

Cowboy: Mountain Man Rendezvous

While in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I went to the Mountain Man Rendezvous. This man was dressed up as what I would describe a cowboy, but not in the traditional sense. He was a mountain man, but his clean-shaven face made me think more of a cowboy.

I used a reflector and speed light on various shots, then I went in and edited them in Photoshop. The edits are specifically listed in the caption of each photo, but I played around with decreasing the saturation on certain parts of the image. I liked the look of black and white for this model.

Adjusted levels. Removed saturation from all but the red portions of image.

Adjusted levels. Removed saturation from all but the red portions of image.

Added adjustment layer black and white.

Added adjustment layer black and white.

Added adjustment black and white, then masked out his eyes and colorized them, increasing the saturation.

Added adjustment black and white, then masked out his eyes and colorized them, increasing the saturation.

Added tilt shift blur, making his face the focal point.

Added tilt shift blur, making his face the focal point.

Mountain Man Rendezvous Adventures

While in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I went to the Mountain Man Rendezvous. It was a ton of fun to see everyone dressed up how they were and to see the unique things they made from the simplest of items. All of these photos were taken May 17, 2014.

I raised my ISO to around 400-1600 for the various shots inside the tents, while outside it was at 100 almost the whole time. The sky was extremely bright and overcast, which made taking these pictures somewhat of a challenge. I didn’t edit these in post much besides adjusting the levels.

Adjusted levels, hue, and saturation.

Adjusted levels, hue, and saturation.

Adjusted levels, hue, and saturation.

Adjusted levels, hue, and saturation.

Adjusted levels and saturation

Adjusted levels and saturation

Used light kit (flash). Edited levels.

Used light kit (flash). Edited levels.

Adjusted levels

Adjusted levels