Light Painting: Still Life Photography

This was my first time trying out light painting. I took a lot of shots of various still life set-ups and objects, painting the light on with a flashlight. It was tons of fun and surprised me at how cool it looked. It took some practice, but I’m pretty pleased with a lot of my images.

One of the most important aspects of light painting is making sure the room I’m in is completely dark. Also, I had to make sure I didn’t over-do it. I had the tendency to shine the flashlight on the subject the entire time, but those images ended up being more blown out and had less contrast. The best images were ones that I would let sit in the dark for a lot of the time and flash the light only part of the time.

I did minor editing on almost every image, bumping up the saturation and adjusting the lighting so it looked exactly how I wanted it to look. These are the results I got:


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-BlueJewel; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f16; 15″; ISO 200


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-Cameras; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f16; 15″; ISO 200. I used two separate photos for this and placed one over the other, using the Difference overlay to get those colors. One image had red and the other was plain silver. I liked the effect this one gave me.


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-Cowboy2; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f20; 15″; ISO 200


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-Fruitbowl; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f16; 15″; ISO 200


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-PhotoandJewels; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f20; 15″; ISO 200


AliciaBingham-LgtPnt-DuckToy1; Spori Building-BYU-Idaho-Rexburg; 5/16/14; f20; 15″; ISO 200

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